Welcome to A Spiral Space
This is a bi-weekly newsletter focused on contemplative practice. Think of it as a bit of digital Spiritual Direction, or what I like to call “therapy for your God baggage.”
What are the sacred stories and how do they get distorted by the stories we tell ourselves?
And how do our answers drive us towards the action to love better?
I’m Kelley..
This newsletter has been a bunch of things over the last year or so, but what it seems to be settling into is two distinct parts: a podcast on spiritual practice that includes discussions on types of prayer and guided meditations, usually based on a theme; and a written companion piece that goes deeper into my personal stories and struggles around faith and points to places to find the holy in the ordinary moments of our days.
To learn more about me check here.
My heart is with those who feel outside any traditional religious setting and yet long for a connectedness to a deep spiritual life. My faith tradition is rooted in the teachings of Jesus that inspire me towards a loving and just world where we take care of and make space for everyone in radically generous ways.
Areas of interest include:
* Deconstruction/Reconstruction of faith journeys
* The Enneagram as a tool for spiritual awakening
* How we are called to embodied solidarity with those on the margins
* LGBTQ+ peoples and their healing and powerful places in faith communities
* 12 Step Recovery as a spiritual formation template
* The inter-spiritual teachings of Eastern and Western religions
* A healing vision of God that leads to a healthy positive sexuality
Why subscribe?
Cause there may be something on these pages to help you live just a little more authentically, with a little more purpose and a bit more joy. Don’t miss out on reviews, recommendations for daily practice, reflections and teachings.