Beautiful, as always. My mouth watered when you described that orange. This morning, I was reading Etty Hillesum's letters from Westerbork transit camp where she describes receiving a fruitcake someone managed to slip through to her from the outside world. She cuts small slices and savors it with her family members who, like her, are imprisoned in the camp. And you can tell it is the most precious, embodied, human experience in the midst of inhuman circumstances. "Princely", she calls the cake. Food can be such a gateway to awe and wonder. God bless the humble oranges and fruitcakes of the world.

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Also “precious” is a perfect word for this. And Princely. Love it.

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Thanks for sharing that Greg. Yes the humble oranges and fruitcakes. Amen. Have you watched any of The New Look yet? I hear they go easy on Chanel - but Dior is the most empathetic character.

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I haven't seen it. In fact, I hadn't even heard of it until your post. I'll see if I can check it out.

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Mar 3Liked by Kelley Weber

Thanks for this, Kelley. How do you live fully in your body if your body “betrays” you with pain?

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Oh man, Leslie, that’s a hard one. I don’t think you have any choice but to be living in your body when you’re in pain. It’s probably all you can focus on. You know the first people that Jon Kabat Zinn taught Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction to were chronic pain patients. I’d also recommend Hilary McBride’s book The Wisdom of Your Body. She speaks about her own journey with pain and body trauma. I’m sorry, friend, that you are suffering. I’d love to bring you over coffee and catch up. ❤️

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Mar 3Liked by Kelley Weber

Thanks, Kelley. I'd love that. I'll reach out on FB.

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Mar 2Liked by Kelley Weber

Very sweet! I am getting ready to spend two days in a very overpriced spa/resort and am fearing those familiar guilt-inducing commentary about how much money we are wasting in a time when others are suffering. I am also already commenting on the people I will see there (the .1%) and judging them - I haven’t even met any of them! Thanks for the reminder to be present to the healing and enlightenment that can come from taking care of my soul and my body.

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Yes! Michael I wish you a restful vacation where your mind can power down and your body can relax. You pour into so many, let yourself be poured into. ❤️

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Mar 1Liked by Kelley Weber

To live in a body is to pay attention to it. ❤️❤️❤️

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Sounds so easy, right!

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Feb 28Liked by Kelley Weber

Beautiful… I’ve missed you and your amazing writing!

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Missed you friend!

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